Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Holy Blistered Big Toes, Batman!

So, I took the KSO's out for a spin today. They felt great at first. The only downfall I have discovered with them, the seams holding the toe pockets together. The seams are under my toes, and after 1.5-2 miles, it felt like my toe was split open. I got back to my room and showered and had some decent bliters on my big toes. Ouch!

I will continue to walk around in them for sure. I will gradually increase my mileage while running in them. I will most likely swap days between my KSOs and my Sauconys.

More to come in the future.

Get out there and Run!!

1 comment:

  1. Hows the toes?
    I'm going a slightly different route with the minimalist shoe. I'm going to try the Nike Free shoe out and see what happens. If nothing else I have some nice slippers to wear around when I'm not running.
